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Graphic Design 1 & MGD1001 Agenda

​​Monday 9/30 & Tuesday 910/1

Choice Design ~ Brainstorm Stage

Brainstorming needs to be completed today if you haven’t completed it already. It will be late if it is not turned in during the first half of class. Everyone will move forward with their designs today. 



  1. Masking Slides

  2. Review critique grades on the reflection rubric in Schoology. Review your Pop Art grade if it was turned in late. 

  3. Complete the End of Project Reflection in your P1 - Pop Art folder if you didn’t last class.\

  4. Review Project Rubric & Setup

  5. Complete Brainstorming if you haven’t 

  6. Start Designing


Wednesday 9/25 & Thursday 9/26

Choice Design ~ Brainstorm Stage

We will go through some slides today in order to understand design concepts of books and posters better. Then you will start your brainstorming which is due today and is graded. 



  1. Slides (15 mins) - Book & Poster Spanish Slides

  2. Review Project Rubric & Brainstorming

    1. Step 1: Topic (10 mins)

    2. Step 2: Inspiration Pieces (20 mins)

    3. Step 3: Sketch (30 mins)


Exit Ticket

Pop Art Reflection (15 mins)


​​Monday 9/23 & Tuesday 9/24

Pop Art Design ~ Critique & Finalize Stage

We are going to do our first critique today. After the critique, you will continue to revise and improve your designs. We will go over how to turn your work in correctly towards the end of class.


Purposes of a Critique

1. To give very specific and critical feedback on a project. 

2. To take very specific and critical feedback to revise and strengthen a project.



  1. Critique

  2. Revise and Finalize Designs

  3. Extension Work - Check with Mr. Wiant First


Extension Directions:

  1. Review the extension tutorial. 

  2. Save a new version of your design, File>Save As and name your design as LastName_PopArt2.psd. 

  3. Apply what you learn in the tutorial to create a second version of your design.


Friday 9/20

Pop Art ~ Design Stage

Continue to work on your designs. Projects are due in two more classes. If you feel you are done with this design, start a second design with a different topic to grow your creativity. 


Exit Ticket

Project Progress Check


Wednesday 9/18 & Thursday 9/19

Pop Art ~ Design Stage

Continue to work on your designs by zooming in to check the details carefully. You also need to keep the original image on its own layer. Do not delete it! 


Lastly, make sure to consider how you are using colors and do not use the same colors in multiple squares. 


Project Help

Clipping Mask Tutorial 



  1. Hispanic & Latino Design Slides

  2. Do-Now

  3. Design


Exit Ticket

Project Progress Check


​​Monday 9/16 & Tuesday 9/17

Pop Art ~ Brainstorming & Design Stage

We will start by learning about Pop Art and take some notes. After that we will get started with your project. 



  1. Pop Art Slides (10 mins)

  2. Review Project (5 mins)

  3. Start Project

  4. Review Rubric


Exit Ticket

Project Progress Check


Friday 9/13

Pen Tool Spaceship Exercise

We will do some more pen tool practice and then you will put your skills to use during a Photoshop exercise before we start our project next class.



  1. Pen Tool Website Practice

  2. Spaceship Exercise


Wednesday 9/11 & Thursday 9/12

Pen Tool & Clipping Paths

We will start with quick 1 min About Me presentations so we can share our work and learn about each other so we can be a stronger, collaborative class. 


After, you will learn all about the pen tool in Photoshop. This tool can be an extremely frustrating tool to learn, but it is one of the most useful tools you will learn in Photoshop. It is very important you watch Mr. Wiant’s tutorial BEFORE you try to use the tool yourself so you don’t get lost while learning this tool.


1 min Presentation Expectations

  1. Speak loudly and clearly so we can hear you. 

  2. Start by sharing your name. 

  3. Describe your design and the elements you used. 

  4. Optional - share what tools you used in the design.



  1. Presentations

  2. Pen Tool Tutorial File (50 mins)


​​Monday 9/9 & Tuesday 9/10

About Me Poster ~ Design & Finalize Stage

Projects need to be wrapped up today. Check details and think about how you can push your creativity and Invention competency even more. We will go through the process to turn these with about 15mins left in class. 1 min presentations will be next class.


​​Thursday 9/5 & Friday 9/6

About Me ~ Design Stage

Today you will continue with your designs. Next class these are due. Make sure you get the required elements on your design and then you can push your creativity from there. This will help you meet the deadline. 



  • Google “collage poster designs” to get inspiration

  • Explore Layer Effects

  • Use Spell Check → Edit>Check Spelling


Tuesday 9/3 & Wednesday 9/4

About Me ~ Design Stage

Continue to work on your designs today. Continue to explore more tools to elevate your designs. Everyone needs to be taking all of the design class time to work on their designs or points will be lost on the final assignment under the Invention competency. Assignments are due in two classes and you will present these in the following class. 



  1. Design

  2. Gallery Walk


Exit Ticket

Designer Check


​​Friday 8/30

About Me ~ Design Stage

Continue to work on your designs. Assignments are due in three more periods.  



  1. How to Save Google Images - Class Demo

  2. Start Photoshop design


Exit Ticket

Designer Check


Wednesday 8/27 & Thursday 8/28

About Me ~ Design Stage

Today you will work on your first Photoshop assignment to show what you have learned throughout these past tutorials. 



  1. Review Assignment

  2. Select Object, Remove Background & Layer Mask Video - Download Images - Complete if you didn’t last class since these skills are required for this project. 

  3. Complete Brainstorming


​​Monday 8/26 & Tuesday 8/27

Photoshop Tutorials Due

Tutorial 3 is due today. You will then continue to work on the extensions to grow your knowledge of Photoshop more. This will better prepare you for your first assignment next class. 


Exit Ticket

Designer Check



Tutorial 1 - Get to Know Photoshop (15 mins Mr. Wiant will walk you through this)


Tutorial 2 - Basic Photoshop Tools (45-60 mins)


Quiz 1 (Once you complete the quiz, place your score on the tracker.)


Tutorial 3 - Selection Tools 

Tutorial 4 - Select Object, Remove Background & Layer Mask Video - Download Images

(Needs to be completed before you start your first project)


Extension Assignment 

Once you have completed the tutorials and quiz, start the extension assignments below. Complete these in order. 

  1. Get to Know Layers 

  2. Text Tools Extension

  3. Butterfly Extension

  4. Background Extension

  5. Snowboard Extension


​​Friday 8/23

Photoshop Tutorial

You need to complete Tutorial 2, move onto the quiz and then Tutorial 3. Tutorial 3 is due next class. Tutorial 3 has a lot of very important tools for Photoshop that you will use over and over again. Pay attention to what you are learning.


Exit Ticket

Designer Check


Tutorial & Quiz Tracker



Tutorial 1 - Get to Know Photoshop (15 mins Mr. Wiant will walk you through this)


Tutorial 2 - Basic Photoshop Tools (45-60 mins)


Quiz 1 (Once you complete the quiz, place your score on the tracker.)


Tutorial 3 - Selection Tools 


Extension Assignment 

Once you have completed the tutorials and quiz, start the extension assignments below. Complete these in order. 

1. Get to Know Layers 

2. Butterfly Extension

3. Text Tools Extension

4. Background Extension

5. Snowboard Extension


​​Wednesday 8/21-Thursday 8/22

Class Syllabus & Photoshop Tutorials

We are going to take a look at our class expectations and syllabus. You will have a quiz after we review the syllabus. You will be starting a series of Photoshop tutorials today. These tutorials are very important for you to learn the basics of Photoshop and prepare you to move on to our first project. These need to be completed in order and you must track your completion on the tracker. 



  1. Class Syllabus & Quiz (40 mins)

  2. Start Photoshop Tutorials 


​​Tuesday 8/20

Welcome to Graphic Design

Today we will go through some information about Mr. Wiant and what to expect in the pathway. 



  1. Welcome Slides

  2. Sign Into Adobe


​Monday 8/19

Welcome to Graphic Design

Explore Photoshop projects by searching online to get a better idea of what you can do in Photoshop. Then you will complete the interest form.



  1. Research Photoshop and complete form (8 mins)

  2. Sign Into Computers and Adobe

  3. Review Intro Tutorials and start



Tutorial 1 - Get to Know Photoshop (15 mins Mr. Wiant will walk you through this)​​

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