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MGD1014 & 1015 Agenda

Monday 12/16

Fall Final: Era Typography Poster ~ Revise & Finalize Stage

Complete your projects, self-evaluations and the checklist in Schoology today.

Friday 12/13

Fall Final: Era Typography Poster ~ Revise & Finalize Stage

If you want additional feedback from Mr. Wiant, submit your AI file to the link below now. Be prepared to wrap these up next class. 


Optional Wiant Feedback

Wednesday 12/11

Fall Final: Era Typography Poster ~ Critique Stage

You will complete a critique today and then will continue to revise and finalize your designs. Projects are due in two classes.

Monday 12/09

Fall Final: Era Typography Poster ~ Design Stage

We are going to review the design principles before you get started today. Make sure you have a clear understanding of these. Next class you will be having your critique. 


Design Principle Review Slides

Wednesday 12/4

Fall Final: Era Typography Poster ~ Design Stage

Everyone needs to be designing today. We will start with a quick kerning demo. 



Kerning Demo

Monday 12/2

Fall Final: Era Typography Poster ~ Brainstorm Stage

You will be starting your final today. We will first review the project and then you will get started on your brainstorming. Invitations are due on Friday or they will be late. No work will be accepted after 12/13. 

Wednesday 11/20

Food Truck Wrap ~ Revise & Finalize Stage

You have options:

1. Complete and turn in Food Truck - Due date is Friday. Follow the directions on the Project Page. 

2. Complete and turn in Invitation - Due date is Friday.

3. Work on extra credit - can find this in Schoolgy - Due date is 12/13

Monday 11/18

Food Truck Wrap ~ Revise & Finalize Stage

We will be finalizing and submitting projects next class. Livi give feedback to Sarai since we ran out of time last class.

Friday 11/15

Food Truck Wrap ~ Critique Stage

You will complete a critique today and then will continue to revise and finalize your designs. Projects are due in two classes.

Wednesday 11/13

Food Truck Wrap ~ Design Stage

Be prepared for your critique next class. ​An area that most of you can improve on is pushing your skills and tools and ensuring your using strong, eye-catching typography. 

Monday 11/11

Food Truck Wrap ~ Design Stage

You are moving back to your food truck designs to ensure we have enough time to complete the truck by the deadline. Invitations will be due on the Friday before break. You will have that Friday to complete them, time during advisement or if you don't need all the time for your food truck you can work on that design. Food truck critiques will be Friday. 

Wednesday 11/6

Invitation ~ Design Stage

Mr. Wiant will give you feedback today. Projects are due next class.

Monday 11/4

Invitation ~ Design Stage

Continue to work on your designs by applying your design principle skills. Next class you will be getting feedback from Mr. Wiant. There isn’t a peer critique with this project. 



  1. Bad Fonts

  2. Design


Exit Ticket

Submit your AI files for feedback


Friday 11/1

Invitation ~ Design Stage

Everyone needs to start their designs today. Use your sketch to guide you as you start. So that means your sketch needs to be out for you to reference while you are working. We will review a few quick slides to get started with. 



  1. Proximity & Alignment Slides

  2. Design

Wednesday 10/30

Invitation ~ Brainstorming Stage

Your next project will be to create an invitation. You will brainstorm and some will get started on their designs today. We will first go over a few slides and notes about invitation design. 


  1. Hierarchy & Repetition Slides (5 mins)

  2. Project Details (5 mins)

  3. Brainstorming Due


Exit Ticket

Student Project Ideas

Monday 10/28

Wix Portfolio Website

Today you will add to your portfolio and revise your website following the steps below. 


1. Add in your top 2 designs to a new page for this year.

2. Add 1 more design cycle project from this year. This means that you have a total of at least three design cycle projects on your page. One of these should be from this year. 

3. Remove any images that are not your own. 


Design Cycle Requirements

1. You need to have 3 design cycle projects. At least 1 is from this year. 

2. Included elements are:

  • Project Title

  • A paragraph about what your original goal and what type of inspiration were you using in this design. Look back at what you wrote for your objectives. 

  • Images of your sketch and inspiration pieces. Title these sections so the viewer knows what they are looking at.

  • An image of your final design. 

  • Write a reflection on your final design. Discuss what you like about your design and why, what struggles you may have had in your design and how you created your design. 


Student Example Sites

Adama's Website

Albert's Website

Juana’s Website

Tru's Website

Wiant's Sample Site


Last Year’s GD2 Final Rubric

Friday 10/24

Abstract Typography Reflection
We are going to take a break from the project until next week. We are going to watch a documentary about a typography designer and then you will write a graded reflection. If you miss today's class, you will need to make up this grade at the end of the project with your objective reflection. 

Wednesday 10/23

Food Truck Wrap Contest ~ Design Stage
We will participate in a group brainstorming session today in order to move forward with the design. 


Exit Ticket

Project Progress Check

Monday 10/21

Food Truck Wrap Contest ~ Design Stage

Today you need to be moving forward with your design. We will have a critique in a week from now. 


Career Visit Interest Form


Exit Ticket

Submit JPGs for Project Wall

Project Progress Check

Wednesday 10/16

Food Truck Wrap Contest ~ Brainstorming Due

You will spend the first half of class completing your brainstorming and then we will get together to do a quick brainstorming session. Brainstorming will be due at the end of class today. 


1. Color Psychology

2. Brainstorm

3. Group Brainstorming Session

4. Finalize Brainstorming


Exit Ticket

Project Progress Check

Wednesday 10/8

Food Truck Wrap Contest ~ Brainstorming Stage

We will discuss food truck design before you get brainstorming today. Brainstorming is due by next class.

Group Survey

Monday 10/7

Ligature Logo ~ Revise & Finalize Stage

Finalize your designs today and turn them in correctly according to the directions. Do not delete any of your logos! Just put them on a different layer and turn the visibility off if you have a bunch of versions. Your final logo should be filling the entire artboard to create a balanced and professional design, so enlarge your design. By the end of day today, you need to write a detailed self-evaluation for your competencies on the rubrics as well. 


Friday 10/4

Ligature Logo ~ Critique Stage 

You will be getting and giving peer feedback to help revise your designs to make them more impactful. After the feedback, you will write a reflection and then begin to revise your designs to strengthen them. These are due next class.


Wednesday 10/2

Ligature Logo ~ Design Stage

You will continue to work on your design. If your first idea isn’t working out, don’t be afraid to try a totally different design by using your problem solving skills. Next class will be your critique. 


Exit Ticket

Submit JPG for Feedback

Monday 9/30

Ligature Logo ~ Design Stage

Continue moving forward with your design. Don’t get stuck on one idea if it isn’t working for you. 50% is due next class, which mean you should have a wide variety of rough designs. You shouldn't be busy revising them yet. 


Exit Ticket

Submit JPG for Feedback


Wednesday 9/25

Ligature Logo ~ Design Stage

You will be making comments on each other’s sketches at the project wall. Then you will get started on your project. 



  1. Project Wall Feedback

  2. Review Project Rubric

  3. Design


Monday 9/23

Ligature Logos ~ Brainstorming Stage

We will go over the project and you will complete your brainstorming today. ​Tutorials need to be completed before you work on the brainstorming. 


  1. Review Project

  2. Custom Type Sketching Aaron Draplin Video and Do-Now

  3. Complete Tutorial

  4. Brainstorming Due


Friday 9/20

Ligature Logos & Tutorial

We will start by learning about what a ligature logo is. Then you will work on an Illustrator tutorial today, which will show you some new techniques in Illustrator. 


1. Ligature Logo Slides (15 mins)

2. Word Play Objective Reflection 

3. Illustrator Logo Tutorials


Wednesday 9/18

Word Play ~ Revise & Finalize Stage
Today you need to turn your work in and complete the self-evaluation on your rubric. Continue to revise and explore your creativity on your design if you feel like you are done. 

Monday 9/16

Word Play ~ Revise & Finalize Stage

You will get quick feedback with Mr. Wiant today as you prepare to wrap up  your projects for the next class.

Friday 9/13

Word Play ~ Critique Stage

We will be going through peer feedback today so you can start to finalize your projects. Projects are due in two class periods.

Wednesday 9/11

Word Play ~ Design Stage

Remember, this project takes good problem solving skills. This means that you just don’t create one design for a word, but instead you explore a variety of design variations for that design. Next class you will be having your critique.

Monday 9/8

Word Play ~ Design Stage

Continue to move forward with your designs. Next class you will have a typography quiz and the following we will have a critique.

Exit Ticket

Submit your JPGs for the Project Wall

Friday 9/5

Word Play ~ Brainstorming & Design Stage

Open your Typography Notes doc so we can take a few more notes about typography. You will complete brainstorming and start designs today. If you were not here last class, you will need to review the slides on the resources page and take appropriate notes to be prepared for the typography quiz coming up. 



  1. Kerning, Leading, & Tracking Slides (15 mins)

  2. Brainstorming Due & Start Designing

  3. Mr. Wiant Demo - Text Manipulation Tips

Wednesday 9/4

Intro to Typography

We will be going over some slides and taking notes on typography today to gain a better understanding of typography. It is essential that  you have a good understanding of typography to be a successful designer because typography is all around us. You will be having a quiz in a few classes. 



1. Typography Slides Prezi & Notes (15 mins)

2. Serif Exercise (10 mins)

3. Project Overview & Video Inspiration

Friday 8/29

Animal Type ~ Revise & Finalize Stage

Projects are due today. You will need to turn in a JPG and AI file following the directions on the Project page. Then complete and submit the checklist in Schoology.

Wednesday 8/28

Animal Type ~ Critique Stage

We will be getting quick feedback from each other based on questions you may have. Next class you will be wrapping up your designs.

Monday 8/26

Animal Type ~ Design Stage

Continue to move forward. Next class we will be getting quick feedback from each other on our progress.

Friday 8/23

Animal Type ~ Design Stage

Explore with text outline, envelope distort tools, and the transform tool as you work on your designs today. Below is an additional resource you can explore. You will have three more classes to complete these.



Wednesday 8/21

Animal Type ~ Brainstorming & Design Stage

You will complete your brainstorming today and start your designs. We will review two demos today, which can also be found on the project page. Then you will continue with your designs. 



  1. Exercise

  2. Setup Drive

    1. Create a new folder titled- Period5_lastName, FirstName

    2. Share the folder by searching for Steve Wiant or

    3. Create two subfolders: Misc., Final

  3. Review brainstorming and project

  4. Complete Brainstorming


Tuesday 8/20

Syllabus & Letterform Exercise 

We will review the syllabus today and then work on an Illustrator refresher assignment. Next class you will complete the brainstorming for the first project. 



  1. Syllabus

  2. Exercise

  3. Review First Project


Typography Letterform Exercise

  1. Create a new AI doc that is 6x6” with 12 artboards. 

  2. Change View to Trim (Menu Bar>View>Trim).

  3. Explore fonts and sizes to create a unique and abstract shape in each box. Take your time to explore fonts, size and position. 

  4. Isolate just enough of each letter to hint at what letter it is while exploring positive and negative space. 

  5. Create 12 different compositions, which will be used in your brainstorming. 

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