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MGD1011 & MGD1012 Do-Now

Today's CLO

Today I will either write, speak or demonstrate my knowledge of design,

so that I can generate ideas for a Photoshop personal impact poster design.


I know I have it when I successfully completed a highly detailed sketch after generating ideas by finding inspiration pieces.

Monday 9/30

Project Feedback

Give your designer feedback on our Western project survey.


Wednesday 9/25

Photo Editing

1. Complete the October Count Survey.

2. Go to Schoology to answer the Do-Now.


Monday 9/23

Design Grading 
  1. Review your critique grade and comments in your Critique folder. 

  2. Update the Competency Tracker for your critique. 

  3. Go to Schoology to complete the Do-Now.


Friday 9/20

Prep for Critique
  1. Create a new Doc in your Western folder and name it “lastName_WesternCrtitique”.

  2. Copy and paste the critique form into this doc. 

  3. Write your name at the top and complete step 1. 

  4. Open your design.


Wednesday 9/18

Personal Objective Reflection

1. Open your Creative Brief and read over your objective. If you didn’t write your objective at the start of your project, you will need to make this up at the end of the project. 

2. Go to Schoology to answer the Do-now.


Monday 9/16

Personal Project Objective

Open your creative brief and write your personal project objective.


Friday 9/13

  1. Open your last project’s rubric, the competency tracker and check that you have updated it.  

  2. Go to Schoology to answer the Do-Now.


Wednesday 9/11

Group Brainstorming Prep

Complete Step 1 on the group brainstorming worksheet and open your Creative Brief to prepare for our group brainstorming. You have 5 mins to take care of this.


Monday 9/9

Project Feedback

Complete the Personal Project Feedback survey so your voice can help to strengthen our pathway and projects.


Friday 9/6

Presentation Prep

Go to Schoology to answer the Do-Now.


Wednesday 9/4

Critique Feedback

Go to Schoology to complete the Do-Now.


Friday 8/30

Color Matching

Review the color matching info on the Resources page.


Wednesday 8/28


Go to Schoology to answer the Do-Now.


Monday 8/26

Design Principles

Go to Schoology to complete the Do-Now.


Friday 8/23

Design Principles Review

We are going to review the rest of the design concepts. You don’t need to do anything else for the Do-Now.


Wednesday 8/21

Design Principles

Go to Schoology to complete the Do-Now.


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